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Random Extension Improvement (View on
Make all implemented engines final?
95 %
5 %
Yes: 18
No: 1
Total number of votes cast: 19
Remove the SerializableEngine interface?
100 %
Yes: 18
No: 0
Total number of votes cast: 18
Remove the CombinedLCG class?
100 %
Yes: 18
No: 0
Total number of votes cast: 18
Add the pickArrayKeys() method to the Randomizer?
86 %
14 %
Yes: 12
No: 2
Total number of votes cast: 14
Rename Randomizer::shuffleString() to Randomizer::shuffleBytes()?
94 %
6 %
Yes: 16
No: 1
Total number of votes cast: 17
Rename PCG64 and MersenneTwister?
93 %
7 %
Yes: 14
No: 1
Total number of votes cast: 15
Add the Xoshiro256StarStar engine and class?
93 %
7 %
Yes: 13
No: 1
Total number of votes cast: 14