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Straw poll: Namespace to use for CachedIterable and iterable functionality (View on
Preferred namespacing choice for CachedIterable
47 %
47 %
6 %
Iterable\CachedIterable: 8
CachedIterable: 8
Collections\CachedIterable: 0
Opposed to previous namespace choices: 0
Opposed to adding this functionality to php: 1
Total number of votes cast: 17
Preferred namespacing choice for any()/all()/none()/reduce()/find()
63 %
31 %
6 %
Iterable\any(): 10
iterable_any(): 5
Opposed to previous namespace choices: 0
Opposed to adding this functionality to php: 1
Total number of votes cast: 16
Global functions I would want to add to PHP to act on iterables as described in implementation link
77 %
23 %
any(...)/all(iterable $input, $callback = null): bool: 10
none(...): bool: 0
find(iterable $input, $callback, $default = null): mixed: 0
reduce(iterable $input, $callback, $initial = null): mixed: 0
Still too small in scope: 3
Opposed to adding this functionality to php: 0
Total number of votes cast: 13
Preferred namespacing for iterable\
100 %
iterable\ (lowercase): 0
Iterable\ (CamelCase): 16
Total number of votes cast: 16