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PHP\iterable\any() and all() on iterables (View on
PHP 8.1
Add PHP\iterable\any() and all() to PHP?
48 %
52 %
Yes: 11
No: 12
Total number of votes cast: 23
Names to use: any()/all() or any_value()/all_values()
81 %
19 %
any()/all(): 13
any_value()/all_values(): 3
Total number of votes cast: 16
Reasons for voting against this RFC
33 %
13 %
7 %
33 %
13 %
Too small in scope: 5
Object to the choice of namespace: 0
Prefer the global namespace: 2
Confused about the implementation: 0
Other: 1
Voted for this RFC: 5
Prefer userland solutions: 2
Total number of votes cast: 15